The Walking Dead: No Man's Land Wiki
For equipment traits, see traits.

Equipment is Weapons and Armor specific for each survivor class.


Weapons and armor are used by survivors to boost their attack and life. Each survivor joining the group starts with one armor and a weapon (both specific for their survivor class). If you retire a survivor you do not lose the equipment it has on. More and better equipment is found among the loot after missions or received as rewards after Daily Quests or as specific Episode rewards. Equipment can be upgraded or scrapped in the Workshop.

Each equipment has a level and a rarity (a number of stars signalling the upgrade possibilities) and possibly a number of locked or unlocked traits. The initial level also marks which minimum level survivor that can use this equipment and the level needed of the Workshop to do upgrades.

Note: You can have a maximum of 300 items (weapon & armor) in your inventory, the game will auto scrap items exceeding this limit. The current amount of items owned is indicated in your Workshop.

In the tables below each item lists the Damage or Protection it currently gives, the upgrade cost in XP and the alternate upgrade cost in Gold, as well as the amount of XP that is refunded if scrapped. Every equipment with a specific level and star count has the same upgrade costs and scrap value, whether it is untouched or upgraded to that level. Current damage or protection amount is also same for all equipment with a specific survivor class, level and star count. You can use the chart to see how much it will cost to maximize an equipment or upgrade to just a certain level and trait.

For example, if you want to upgrade a Legendary (gold/5 star) weapon from level 4 to level 5 (level upgrade does not change star count or initial level for survivor/workshop use) you can see the upgrade cost is 2519 XP (and additional time with the Workshop busy) or 29 Gold (instant upgrade). If the weapon was for Scout class, it will raise equipment damage count from 50 to 56 and unlock the level 5 trait if the equipment has one.


The equipment rarity is marked by a number of stars. It defines the number of steps that an equipment can be upgraded and the trait qualities thus unlocked.

Stars normal
Common equipment can be upgraded once, unlocking 1 bronze trait.
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05
Uncommon equipment can be upgraded two times, unlocking 2 bronze traits.
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10
Rare equipment can be upgraded three times, unlocking 1 bronze trait and 2 silver traits.
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25
Epic equipment can be upgraded three times, unlocking 2 silver traits and 1 gold trait.
Legendary stars
Legendary equipment can be upgraded three times, unlocking 1 silver trait and 2 gold traits.

Equipment upgrade costs

This table shows the upgrade cost in XP/Gold for one step up as well as scrap XP refund (in parantheses) at the initial level. It is the same amount for every equipment (weapons and armor). Upgrade time is the same for each level across the rarity columns.

It is not efficient to use equipment upgrades as an extra storage of XP (if XP storage happens to be full). Scrapping after upgrade refunds the same as would an un-upgraded item for that level plus 25% of what was spent on the upgrades. For example a 1 star level 5 has refund 330 XP and a level 6 refund 467 XP. The upgrade price of 3300 XP is thus not well spent for the 137 XP refund increase plus 25% of the upgrade (825 XP).

If you find exceptions to these rules, please make note in between (survivors type, equipment, Exp / gold).

Level Upgrade Time
1->2 10 sec 70 / 2 (60) 76 / 2 (75) 83 / 2 (105) 90 / 2 97 / 2
2->3 5m 260 / 2 (120) 285 / 2 (150) 311 / 2 (210) 337 / 2 (300) 363 / 2 (420)
3->4 30m 810 / 11 (163) 890 / 11 (203) 971 / 12 (285) 1052 / 12 1133 / 13
4->5 1h 1800 / 25 (257) 1979 / 26 (321) 2159 / 27 (449) 2339 / 28 2519 / 29 (899)
5->6 1h30m 3300 / 37 (330) 3629 / 39 (412) 3959 / 42 (577) 4289 / 44 (825)


6->7 2h15m 5500 / 59 (467) 6049 / 63 (583) 6599 / 67 (817) 7149 / 71 (1167) 7699 / 75 (1634)
7->8 3h 8700 / 88 (567) 9569 / 94 (708) 10.4k / 101 (992) 11.3k / 107 (1417) 12.1k / 113 (1984)
8->9 4h 13k / 127 (767) 14.2k / 146 (958) 15.5k / 146 (1342) 16.8k / 155 (1917) 18.1k / 164 (2684)
9->10 5h 20k / 185 (900) 21.9k / 200 (1125) 23.9K / 214 (1575) 25.9k / 228 (2250) 27.9k / 241 (3150)
10->11 6h15m 28k / 251 (1067) 30.7k / 270 (1333) 33.5k / 289 (1867) 36.3k / 307 (2667) 39.1k / 326 (3734)
11->12 7h30m 40k / 341 (1333) 43.9k / 368 (1666) 47.9k / 395 (2332) 51.9k / 421 (3332) 55.9k / 448 (4665)
12->13 9h 56k / 460 (1633) 61.5k / 497 (2041) 67.1k / 534 (2857) 72.7k / 572 (4082) 78.3k / 609 (5715)
13->14 10h30m 74k / 592 (1900) 81.3k / 641 (2375) 88.7k / 690 (3325) 96.1k / 739 (4750) 103k / 789 (6650)
14->15 12h15m 100k / 779 (2067) 110k / 845 (2583) 120k / 912 (3617) 129k / 978 (5167) 139k /1045 (7234)
15->16 14h 150k / 1125 (2333) 165k / 1225 (2916) 180k / 1325 (4082) 195k / 1425 (5832) 210k /1525 (8165)
16->17 16h 230k / 1674 (2667) 252k / 1827 (3333) 276k / 1980 (4667) 298k / 2133 (6667) 322k / 2286 (9334)
17->18 18h 375k / 2655 (2900) 412.5k / 2904 (3625) 450k /3154 (5075) 487.5k / 3403 (7250) 525k / 3653 (10.1k)
18->19 20h 500k / 3503 (3000) 550k / 3836 (3750) 600k / 4168 (5250) 650k / 4503 (7500) 700k / 4836 (10.5k)
19->20 20h 650k / 4501 (3300) 715k / 4934 (4125) 780k / 5366 (5775) 845k / 5820 (8250) 910k / 6253 (11.55k)
20->21 20h 800k / 5500 (3600) 880k / 6033 (4500) 960k / 6566 (6300) 1.04M / 7100 (9000) 1.12M / 7633 (12.6k)
21->22 20h  /  (3900)  /  (4875)  /  (6825) 1.23M / 8400 () 1.33M / 9033 ()
22->23 1d7h 1.5M /  ()



Scout Weapons
Scout Kitchen cleaver
kitchen cleaver
Scout Kitchen knife
kitchen knife (probably 1st knife you get)
Scout Butterfly knife
butterfly knife
(image wanted) combat knife
Scout Hunting knife
hunting knife
Scout hammer
Scout Screwdriver
Scout small axe
small axe
Scout Metal Pipe
metal pipe
Scout Police baton
police baton
Beth's scissors
The Claw (a sickle)
Scout The Ragtag
The Ragtag (That's not a knife. This is a knife!)
Stars normal
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25
Legendary stars
1 33 35 37 39 41
2 39 41 44 46 49
3 45 47 50 54 57
4 54 57 61 64 68
5 63 67 71 75 79
6 73 78 83 88 93
7 87 92 98 104 110
8 103 110 117 123 130
9 121 129 137 145 153
10 144 153 163 172 182
11 171 182 193 205 216
12 204 217 231 244 258
13 241 257 273 289 305
14 286 305 324 343 362
15 340 363 385 408 431
16 403 430 457 484 511
17 479 511 543 575 607
18 570 607 645 683 721
19 678 723 768 813 858
20 807 860 914 968 1022
21 960 1023 1087 1151 1215
22 1141 1217 1293 1369 1445
23 1357 1448 1538 1628 1718
24 1613 1721 1830 1936 2044


Bruiser Weapons
Bruiser Rusty crusher
Rusty Crusher
Bruiser worn bat
Worn Bat
Bruiser Lumberjack
Bruiser Crowbar
Bruiser The dentist
The Dentist
2016-01-19 14.00.23
Bruiser Crusher
Bruiser Lobotomizer
Stars normal
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25
Legendary stars
1 17 19 21 24 26
2 19 23 25 28 31
3 23 26 29 32 36
4 28 32 35 39 43
5 33 37 41 46 50
6 39 44 48 53 58
7 46 52 57 63 69
8 55 62 68 75 82
9 64 72 80 89 97
10 76 86 95 105 115
11 91 102 113 125 136
12 108 122 135 149 163
13 128 144 160 177 193
14 152 171 190 210 229
15 181 204 226 249 272
16 215 242 268 295 322
17 255 287 319 351 383
18 303 341 380 417 455
19 361 406 451 497 542
20 430 484 537 591 645
21 511 609 639 703 767
22 608 684 760 837 911
23 723 814 905 995 1085
24 860 968 1075 1183 1291


Hunter Weapons
Hunter .30-06 falcon
.30-06 Falcon
Hunter .223 lioness
.223 Lioness
Hunter old.308
old .308
Hunter Old .30-06
old .30-06
Hunter old.223
old .223
Hunter old.22
old .22
Hunter .308 Hawk
.308 Hawk
Hunter 7mm Harrier
7mm Harrier
Stars normal
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25
Legendary stars
1 19 21 24 26 28
2 23 25 28 31 33
3 26 29 32 36 39
4 32 35 39 43 46
5 37 41 46 50 54
6 44 48 53 58 63
7 52 57 63 69 75
8 62 68 75 82 89
9 72 80 89 97 105
10 86 95 105 115 124
11 102 113 125 136 148
12 122 135 149 163 176
13 144 160 177 193 209
14 171 190 210 229 248
15 204 226 249 272 295
16 242 268 295 322 349
17 287 319 351 383 415
18 341 380 417 455 493
19 406 451 497 542 587
20 484 537 591 645 699
21 575 639 703 767 830
22 684 760 837 911 987
23 814 905 995 1085 1176
24 968 1075 1183 1291 1396


Warrior Weapons
Warrior Bandit cleaver
Bandit Cleaver
Warrior Giftshop katana
Giftshop Katana
Warrior Old katana
Old Katana
Warrior Old Machete
Old machete
(image wanted) Tactical machete
Warrior Worn machete
Worn Machete
Warrior Shovel
Warrior Cavalry sabre
Cavalry Sabre
Warrior parang
Warrior Bill Hook
Bill Hook
Stars normal
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25
Legendary stars
1 21 24 26 28 30
2 25 28 31 33 36
3 29 32 36 39 41
4 35 39 43 46 50
5 41 46 50 54 58
6 48 53 58 63 68
7 57 63 69 75 81
8 68 75 82 89 96
9 80 89 97 105 113
10 95 105 115 124 133
11 113 125 136 148 159
12 135 149 163 176 189
13 160 177 193 209 225
14 190 210 229 248 267
15 226 249 272 295 317
16 268 295 322 349 376
17 319 351 383 415 448
18 379 417 455 493 531
19 451 497 542 587 632
20 537 591 645 699 753
21 639 703 767 830 893
22 760 837 911 987 1065
23 905 995 1085 1176 1266
24 1075 1183 1291 1396 1506


Shooter Weapons
Shooter Old 7.62mm
Old 7.62mm
Shooter 7.62 cadet
7.62mm Cadet
Shooter 9mm sergent
9mm Sergent
Shooter old .22
Old .22
Shooter .44 Sheriff
.44 Sheriff
Old .44
Shooter .45 Breach
.45 Breach
Shooter old .50
old .50
Stars normal
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25
Legendary stars
1 30 33 35 37 39
2 36 39 41 44 46
3 41 44 47 50 54
4 50 54 57 61 64
5 58 63 67 71 75
6 68 73 78 83 88
7 81 87 92 98 104
8 96 103 110 117 123
9 113 121 129 137 145
10 133 144 153 163 172
11 159 171 182 193 205
12 189 204 217 231 244
13 225 241 257 273 289
14 267 286 305 324 343
15 317 340 363 385 408
16 376 403 430 457 484
17 448 479 511 543 575
18 531 570 607 645 683
19 632 678 723 768 813
20 753 807 860 914 968
21 895 960 1023 1087 1151
22 1063 1141 1217 1293 1369
23 1266 1357 1448 1538 1628
24 1506 1613 1721 1830 1936


Assault Weapons
Assault Defender AR99
Defender AR99
Assault Old AR99
old AR99
Assault Old frn-78
old FRN-78
Frontier FN
Assault Frontier OFR
Frontier OFR
Assault Liberator
Assault Old Patriot
old Patriot
Assault Patriot T-89
Patriot T-89
Assault Old Reliable
old reliable
Assault Republika AR
Republika AR
Stars normal
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25
Legendary stars
1 17 19 21 24 26
2 19 23 25 28 31
3 23 26 29 32 36
4 28 32 35 39 43
5 33 37 41 46 50
6 39 44 48 53 58
7 46 52 57 63 69
8 55 62 68 75 82
9 64 72 81 89 97
10 76 86 95 105 115
11 91 102 113 125 136
12 108 122 135 149 163
13 128 144 160 177 193
14 152 171 190 210 229
15 181 204 226 249 272
16 215 242 268 295 322
17 255 287 319 351 383
18 303 341 380 417 455
19 361 406 451 497 542
20 430 484 537 591 645
21 511 575 639 703 767
22 608 684 760 837 911
23 723 814 905 995 1085
24 860 968 1075 1183 1291




Scout Armor
Scout Rugged vest
Rugged Vest
Scout Worn heavy vest
Dented spendthrift's shirt (previously Worn Heavy Vest)
Scout Heavy vest
Armored spendthrift's shirt (previously Heavy Vest)
Scout Basic vest
Pocketed Outcast Shirt
Scout Worn basic vest
Bloodied Outcast Shirt
Armor amount
Stars normal
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25
Legendary stars
1 22 24 26 28 30
2 26 28 31 33 36
3 30 32 35 38 41
4 36 39 43 46 50
5 42 46 50 54 58
6 49 53 58 63 68
7 58 63 69 75 81
8 69 75 82 89 96
9 81 89 97 105 113
10 96 105 115 124 134
11 114 125 136 148 159
12 136 149 163 176 190
13 161 177 193 209 225
14 191 210 229 248 267
15 227 249 272 295 317
16 269 295 322 349 376
17 320 351 383 415 447
18 380 417 455 493 531
19 452 497 542 587 632
20 538 591 645 699 753
21 639 702 766 830 894
22 760 835 911 987 1063
23 904 994 1084 1175 1265
24 1074 1181 1288 1396 1503


Bruiser Armor
Bruiser Worn basic armor
Worn Basic Armor aka Patched Bulwark Armor
Bruiser Basic armor
Basic Armor
Bruiser Worn heavy armor
Worn Heavy Armor aka Dented Fotress Armor
Bruiser Heavy armor
Reinforced Fortress Armor (was named Heavy Armor?)
Armor amount
Stars normal
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25
Legendary stars
1 39 41 46
2 46 49 54
3 56 59 62
5 67
6 93
7 110
8 131
9 145 153 161 170
10 163 172 182
11 193 250
12 217 271 244 299
13 257 273 289
14 305 343 362
15 340 363 385 431
16 403 430 457 484 511
17 511 543 575
18 607 645 683
19 678 723 768 813 858
20 807 860 914 968 1022
21 958 1022 1086 1150 1214
22 1140 1215 1291 1443
23 1717
24 1611 1718


Hunter Armor
Hunter Worn basic kevlar
Worn Basic Kevlar aka Bloodied Wayfarer Vest
Hunter Basic kevlar
Basic Kevlar
Hunter reinforced highwayman vest
Reinforced Highwayman Vest
Hunter Worn heavy kevlar
Worn Heavy Kevlar aka Scratched Windward Vest
Hunter Heavy kevlar
Heavy Kevlar aka Fortified Windward Vest
Armor amount
Stars normal
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25
Legendary stars
1 22 24 26 28 30
2 26 28 31 33 36
3 30 32 35 38 41
4 36 39 43 46 50
5 42 46 50 54 58
6 49 53 58 63 68
7 58 63 69 75 81
8 69 75 82 89 96
9 81 89 97 105 113
10 96 105 115 124 134
11 114 125 136 148 159
12 136 149 163 176 190
13 161 177 193 209 225
14 191 210 229 248 267
15 227 249 272 295 317
16 269 295 322 349 376
17 320 351 383 415 447
18 380 417 455 493 531
19 452 497 542 587 632
20 538 591 645 699 753
21 639 702 766 830 894
22 760 835 911 987 1063
23 904 994 1084 1175 1265
24 1074 1181 1288 1396 1503


Warrior Armor
Warrior Warn rugged jacket
Worn Rugged Jacket
Warrior Rugged jacket
Armored barnstormer's coat {previously Rugged Jacket)
Armor amount
Stars normal
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25
Legendary stars
1 26 28 30 33 35
2 31 33 36 39 41
3 35 38 41 44 47
4 43 46 50 53 57
5 50 54 58 63 67
6 58 63 68 73 78
7 69 75 81 86 92
8 82 89 96 103 110
9 97 105 113 121 129
10 115 124 134 143 153
11 136 148 159 170 182
12 163 176 190 203 217
13 193 209 225 241 257
14 229 248 267 286 305
15 272 295 317 340 363
16 322 349 376 403 430
17 383 415 447 479 511
18 455 493 531 569 607
19 542 587 632 677 723
20 645 699 753 806 860
21 766 830 894 958 1022
22 911 987 1063 1139 1215
23 1084 1175 1265 1356 1446
24 1288 1396 1503 1611 1718


Shooter Armor
Shooter Worn rugged gear
Worn Rugged Gear aka Chipped Dustbowl Jacket
Armor amount
Stars normal
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25
Legendary stars
1 26 28 30 33 35
2 31 33 36 39 41
3 35 38 41 44 47
4 43 46 50 53 57
5 50 54 58 63 67
6 58 63 68 73 78
7 69 75 81 86 92
8 82 89 96 103 110
9 97 105 113 121 129
10 115 124 134 143 153
11 136 148 159 170 182
12 163 176 190 203 217
13 193 209 225 241 257
14 229 248 267 286 305
15 272 295 317 340 363
16 322 349 376 403 430
17 383 415 447 479 511
18 455 493 531 569 607
19 542 587 632 677 723
20 645 699 753 806 860
21 766 830 894 958 1022
22 911 987 1063 1139 1215
23 1084 1175 1265 1356 1446
24 1288 1396 1503 1611 1718


Assault Armor
Assault Basic suit
Basic Suit
Assault Worn rugged suit
Patched Broadsider suit (previously named Worn Rugged suit?)
Assault Rugged suit
Reinforced Broadsider Suit (previously named Rugged Suit)
Assault reinforced enforcer suit
reinforced enforcer suit
Armor amount
Stars normal
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10
Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25
Legendary stars
1 28 30 33 35 37
2 33 36 39 41
3 38 41 44 47 50
4 46 50 53 57 61
5 54 63 67 71
6 63 68 73 78 83
7 75 81 86 92 98
8 89 96 103 110 117
9 105 113 121 129 137
10 124 134 143 153 163
11 148 159 170 182 193
12 176 190 203 217 231
13 209 225 241 257 273
14 248 267 286 305 324
15 295 317 340 363 385
16 349 376 403 430 457
17 415 447 479 511 543
18 493 531 569 607 645
19 587 632 677 723 768
20 699 753 806 860 914
21 830 894 958 1022 1086
22 987 1063 1139 1215 1291
23 1265 1446
24 1396