The Walking Dead: No Man's Land Wiki

The Season 9 missions of Walking Dead: No Man's Land debuted 2018 October 8.

Episode 1: Scrounging for Seeds

With zombie countdown.

start mission details
Rick says "Get in, get what we need, and get out. Luckily, places like this are well-organized." mission reward: 30 scout tokens

(start mission for 1 gas) 3-person mission of 5star level-15 team: Carol (leader) (damage 754, health 991), Rick (damage 656, health 879), and Daryl (damage 562, health 778)

Opposition: Armored (L3 & L4) and Tank walkers (L2 to L4). (and regular L3 to L5 zombies)

episode 1 - hard

Rick says same thing.

mission reward: 20 Carol tokens

(start mission for 1 gas) 3-person mission of 5star level-15 team: Carol (leader) (damage 754, health 991), Rick (damage 656, health 879), and Daryl (damage 562, health 778)

Opposition: Armored (L10 & L11) and Tank walkers (L10 to L11). (and regular L10 to L11 zombies)

  • Rick: “If we find those seeds, we can plant all sorts of new food crops.”
  • Carol: “I'm sure they are down here… somewhere.”

(objective: Open the door)(takes one-turn to open door)

When door opened, Armored zombie and Tank zombie appear near bottom-left corner.

  • Carol: “Dammit… No way through.”

(objective: Open the door)(door further to the right)

When you open 2nd door, armored zombie (& two regular zombies) appears below and tank zombie appears near bottom-left.

  • Carol: “No, not here. Where are they?”

(objective: Open the door)(3rd door takes two-turns to open)

When you open 3rd door, armored zombie (& two regular zombies) appears below and tank zombie appears near bottom-left.

  • Carol: “There we go.”
  • Carol: “The seeds are in those filing cabinets”

When you open 3rd door, three regular zombies appear below, and 2 Armored zombies and a Tank zombie (& 4+ regular zombies) appear from behind 3rd door.

(objective: Open the door)(big glowing chain-link door at right-end)

  • Carol: “There we go.”
  • Carol: “The seeds are in those filing cabinets”

(objective still says "Open the door", but you're actually opening the filing cabinet.) (one turn to open filing cabinet, when cabinet open the exit zone starts glowing)

  • Carol: “I got them. Lets get out of here.”

(new objective: go to exit)
